One Song


A Ruin

Joel Frieders | May 23, 2016

I fucking love Kauf.

I fucking love how his songs sound like he dropped a metal bowl of slinkys and marbles onto a hollow wooden floor and then recorded the flitters and skitters and then records whispery sexy vocals over them and all of a sudden I'm shimmying in a hunched over position and humping an ass made of my imagination.

Yes. That sentence was supposed to feel like that bro.

Kauf, once again, murders "A Ruin", and it's essentially four different tracks all smooshed together into one long missive about trying to hurry up to party with me. That's just what this dude writes about. He writes about having tacos out on some veranda overlooking some futuristic metropolis, yes, but he wants to share the salsa bar with me bros. 

Everyone eat all of the shit, me and Kauf are talking tacos out on the motherfucking veranda and drinking shiny drinks withour pinkies extended. 

Be jealous you dickbags, this is just the way life is. 

*Yanks lapels outward on white sport coat.*