Bandcamp Artist of the Week


gashcat, reunion, kyle craft
Joel Frieders | May 9, 2011

My dearest Gashcat,

Completely unknown to the majority of people in the universe, but oh so familiar to me now.

After being sent a link to their album Reunion last week, I have been listening to these guys non-stop. It arrived at a perfect time.

It's like I'm an Afghani market haggler and I haven't seen a woman's thigh in decades, but these fifis keeps walking by showing a bit of that downy, furry ankle/calf. I know the full on thigh shot is coming, hell my fruit stand is right across from the burka seamstresses, but I have yet to see the glorious thigh in all its prickly, thighly glory.

The thigh? It is Spring.

The market haggler? Tis I.

I just can't seem to get a fucking hold of it.

Gashcat have given this tumultuous time of year when you can't bet on anything scheduled outdoors to actually take place without a winter coat, a bit of serenity.

There's a rawness to their music that makes me feel a-fucking-live that I can only equate to those awesome days of sunshine that finally poke through around the shit days of early Spring. Not only do they make me feel funny, I can honestly hear them playing in the middle of a field somewhere, or even down by a river for people laying on blankets and shit. Sippin maaad pinot yo.

I gave their Reunion album 10 fucking stars and I'm on a quest to get everyone I know to listen to them this week. So, we have deemed them SYFFAL Bandcamp Artist of the Week.

Also, say a quickie (I don't pray, I send vibes, but do what you do) for the Gashcat area of Louisiana and the surrounding states getting pounded by this fucking flooding. It seems mother nature is a cunt this year and we can't let a little fucking water (OK A LOT) fuck with us. So if you know someone down in the wet areas, just look South and hold your drink up if you can't do anything else. People are fucking people, regardless of the water content of their homes.