One Song


Shatter Like 96'

Joel Frieders | February 18, 2016

This almost sounds like Zavala dropped a box of noise on a warehouse floor and he recorded the bits and pieces skittering away from him in slow motion. Then, in a way only Zavala seems to know how to do, he brilliantly sticks them pieces on the wall of my fucking brain and all I can do to escape from wanting it to never end is to keep hitting the play button on this soundcloud page so it never does. 

This week is miserable for me, historically, and I've been listening to old Radiohead albums just to have something to yell along to, but this has taken my attention so far past where it's been for the last few days. To be honest, I've been staring at my feet or out into the distance as much as I can recall, at specifically nothing in particular. I needed a way to sort of cut ties with my memories and just let a beat paint light and color inside my imagination for a while.

To take a break from old cuts and wounds, I normally turn to the familiar to coax me out of the joeldrums (that's doldrums, but for joel), but this time I've had "Shatter Like 96'" on an almost endless loop since first hearing it on Monday or Tuesday. The tab in my browser was maybe the 9th or 10th tab over before, but now it's all the way to the left, just next to my email tabs, and I've clicked on it a total of 17 times this afternoon alone.

How can one fucking dude make such introspectively beautiful beats out of seemingly innocuous or unrelated noise? Zavala is batting a fucking thousand right now. His fucking atmospheric brush strokes and little synth fwips and d'woops are so internally connective I find myself mimicking them when there's nothing playing, only to run back to my desk and hit play again. 

Zavala. Thanks big guy. Do it again. I'll wait.