One Song

Radical Face

Small Hands

Brandon Backhaus | November 17, 2015

Dear Radical Face

Goddamn you fucking asshole, I want to wrestle you to the ground and sit on you until you say you're fucking sorry for always making me feel. 

I'm just kidding. 

I want give you a huge bear hug. And then kick you in the dick because that's some shit I would do. 

If your new teaser song, "Small Hands", is any indication of what we're to expect from your upcoming records (apparently all recorded and on their way down the LP birth canal), then I'm already bibbed-up and salivating. I'm slamming the silverware on the table, brobro. Pass the potatoes. 

Love, Brando

Radical Face is a knife. Sharp, painful, but effective. True. Radical Face's penchant for ultra-personal imagery, childhood innocence, alternatively celebrated and destroyed, and his biting sense of truth set to blissful yet yearning melodies, sets him apart from otherwise whiney brood-rock. 

I'll recommence the self-hugging and rocking now.