One Song


Sun Begins To Pour

Joel Frieders | November 16, 2016

I don't know how this dude keeps making music that simultaneously puts me in a food coma and makes me want tacos. Normally it's the latter then the former, but here Koresma knows I'm hungry, but taps me with his witchin' stick on the forehead and I'm splayed bro.


Koresma makes relaxing and erotic synonymous.

"Sun Begins To Pour", with the benefit of sultry and lilty (sultrilty?) vocals from Alaska Reid, sounds like a week-long orgy where everyone gets a goodie bag filled with footie pajamas and a 4oz bottle of lean. If a song has ever made someone want to wear those socks that are just a few inches south of the taint when pulled up all the way, then I don't know how else to convince you that that's a great idea and you look like a tumblr post bro.

Life looks like it sucks right now, and this is assisting in defying that overwhelming dread that the newspapers seem to want me to be feeling. I hope I have the patience to walk this slow for the next four years, because I'm going to need ALL that chill to not lose my shit.

Koresma, perfect.