One Song


White People On Twitter

Joel Frieders | August 9, 2015

This is exactly what I needed to hear on repeat today. Nothing musically jarring, but completely fucking socially stabbing; Guante and Katrah-Quey are calmly delivering the message so many fucking people who I share a skin color with need to hear, repeatedly. 

Dear musicians of 2015: Please keep this sort of delivery in your arsenal. Not only is it slow enough for the non-rap fans to process, it's non-confrontational while putting the fucking mirror up, and while I'd love to incite some confrontation with a few people I share bloodlines with, this method of dialogue seems the least likely to cause white people to cry and run away.Thank you Guante for doing this, like this, because this is more than needed. 

Play this for your inlaws.

Here's the blurb from Guante and Katrah-Quey:
White People on Twitter” is the first single from the upcoming album Post-Post-Race, the debut collaboration from the Twin Cities’ Guante & Katrah-Quey. Over Katrah-Quey’s disarmingly subtle, contemplative beat, Guante lays out many of the common complaints and evasions from white people whenever the subject of racism comes up, building from a clever, laugh-to-keep-from-crying deconstruction of "All Lives Matter" tropes to a devastatingly serious look at the real-life consequences of those attitudes.