One Song

Sam Cohen and Danger Mouse

Use Your Illusion

Sam Cohen, Danger Mouse, Use Your Illusion, 30th Century
Tom Doz | November 16, 2015

I'm not going to beat around the hedge. I'm a whore for Danger Mouse. He produced my favorite Black Keys album. There's fucking Gnarls Barkley. There's fucking Broken Bells. There's that Dark Night Of The Soul album with Sparklehorse. I could go on, but you get the idea.

I'm also a whore for Sam Cohen....for his music, but also because his hair is always perectly sculpted and a couple of years ago Tim, the Syffal Papa Bear, sent me a video text of Sam yelling: 'HEY TOM.....Fuck You....WOOOOOoooo.' 

I love Sam.

And if you don't love Sam, it's because you haven't listened to his music. He used to put out albums under the moniker Yellowbirds, which sound like Roy Orbison on LSD. And now he's hanging out with Danger Mouse

And when you blend those two get an amazing track that sounds something like MGMT giving each other a sponge bath on the set of Tron.