New Release Tuesday



Joel Frieders | June 25, 2019

I'm somewhat of a Doomtree fanboy. I never really understood their draw until seeing them live, and then I saw them live NINE TIMES in like four years and I was hooked. Every time I even THINK about seeing Doomtree I get hype as hell. 

This SHREDDERS project is a fun variant on a rap-fam that sometimes feels like a stable or a hotel full of rappers instead of just a crew. The latest drop is "Ayeyayaya" and it's fulla SIMS and P.O.S. freak flows and a beat that makes me wanna Kid N Play dance around a high school house party, except my house party is at my house and I just vacuumed. CHECK THEM VACUUM LINES DAG! WE CLEANIN!

Looking at the credits on the bandcamp page I noticed the production duo of Lazerbeak and Paper Tiger is referenced as Sick Trim. SUPER JELLS THAT ISN'T MY NAME, becuase that shit was for sure my nickname in the seminary, shoooooooot.

Once again, I love how energetic and fun all this SHREDDERS shit feels, ALL THE DAMN THYME.