Brightest Color

Brightest Color EP

Joel Frieders | June 22, 2012

Sometimes people send us music. Sometimes people send us fucking jesus christ I want to kill myself with a bunk of treated lumber and a sack of fermented soy, and then sometimes it's pure fucking hell yeah and all I want to do is run around my backyard with a beach towel as a cape and a mask made of bacon concealing only my hazel eyeballz.

Of course we don't condone the public or private shitting on creative peoples, so we tend to let those that don't strike our fancy fanny packed fancies fall by the wayside instead of sharing our disdain with anyone. So sometimes it's hard accepting music as a cold call from a salesman/musician, as our intent isn't to insult or put down.

But then you get bands like Brightest Color dropping a simple "hey, here's our bandcamp link bro bro" and after the first 15 seconds you're fucking PRAYING the vocals don't fucking suck.

Well ladies and Brandon, I'm here to honestly and wholeheartedly scream in your fucking mouth with my hot motherfucking breath that Brightest Color are the greatest gift my ears received last week. All at the same time: complex and intricate, casual and smooth, disgustingly progressive, rhythmically challenging, Brightest Color are the math rock/indie rock band you started in your head with your best friend from trade school.

With only two motherfucking members, Brightest Color sounds like a mathy-er version of Maps & Atlases, but with this strange sort of bored Euro vocals that when slapped together for less than ten minutes takes on a new wave arrogance that I've never heard before in this sort of presentation. If the noodling harmonic guitars don't clench your doodads in a vice like grip, the layered poppy vocals will distract you enough from the constantly evolving noodling to completely relax, while silently wanting to light and toss a Moltov out the passenger side window while your elderly Aunt Mabel drives cautiously.

Seriously, after the 2:09 mark on the second track Intimacy, I completely lost all control of my head and ended up forcibly causing hair to grow straight up out of my bald ass motherfucking dome by slapping my chin into my hairy fucking mesh of a chest patch broseph.

I want nothing more than this asshole pairing of a fucking band to create more music, because it's the perfect mix of math rock, pop and indie fucking awesome. It makes me want to get all the laundry done in my house and then fold it all on my dining room table.


Take the less than ten minutes and listen to this fucking band's EP and then try and fucking argue with me as to why Brightest Color are this week's Bandcamp Artist of the Week.

Euro Math bro. The most European of arithmetic.