Come Wind


Joel Frieders | November 10, 2015

Who the fuck are Come Wind? And is Come Wind a fancy way of mentioning that you are the source of a foul odor? Or is it more of a way of asking someone to create an odor and direct it towards you? Is this a fetish band?

Who cares. I think I love this fucking band. 

Jesus balls on a Dishwalla cover band's freshly laundered collection of ascots, this is fucking dope. This dude's jaw doesn't just open up and down, it slides side to side and shit, and he sounds like a Ben Gibbard you WOULDN'T want to punch if he still hadn't made up his mind after fifteen minutes waiting in line at the coffee shop. FUCK YOU GIBBARD, I WILL NOT FORGET TULSA 2004! (I'm lying, I don't drink coffee I didn't cold brew myself on my antique cold brewing mechanism. I'm lying about that too. I wouldn't go back to Oklahoma if you paid me. I'm lying, I'm broke. Pay me.)

I think the four things I like more than the video for "Clarity" are, in order of arousal:
1. I would totes buy every piece of clothing these assholes are wearing in the scenes with the white floor. HOLY OLDAEROPOSTALBERCROMBIE!
2. Anytime a guy in glasses shakes an egg shaped maraca, I lose my shit. SO I HATH LOST ALL MY SHIT. 
3. Each one of these dudes is in his own world in this video, and that's the way it should be. Playing music you love is the fucking best and I can tell this band of assholes is completely lost in their own responsibilities, and that makes me fucking happy.
4. DRUMMER DUDE WANTS ME TO BONE HIM WITH ALL HIS BAM BA-BAM, BAM BA-BA-BAMs and shit huh? It's like dude is straight up fucking FLIRTING with me through his music video and shit bruh! THTOP IT!

Come Wind, awesome logo/insigina, and they're fucking awesome. 
