World Premiere

Sammy Warm Hands

Endless Excuses

Brandon Backhaus | November 25, 2014

Sammy Warm Hands is one of my favorite rappers you've never heard of. He's another emcee who can rap his dick off and gets not an ounce of the recognition he deserves. I picture his water cooler raps, you know when the coworkers press you to bust because they heard from your other coworker you accidentally saw at the bar that you rap, making said coworkers' ties fly back in a breeze birthed from the sheer power of his true word.

This new track, Endless Excuses is just one in a long line of hilariously weird rap classics that Sammy Warm Hands is rubbing out! I swear there'll be a place in the old hard drive for all things Sammy Warm Hands from '14 til infinity, bitches! The third verse by K.I. Design (of The Architex) had me dead. Let's just say that I explicitly identify with the sentiment he's expressing.

I wish for ONE SECOND I could be as comfortable in my rap skin as Sammy Warm Hands inhabits his. Keep scaring the little kids, bro! We still love you!