Lo Noom


Joel Frieders | July 11, 2015

If you are a musician and you've been "on that grind" as the kids say, or "about that hustle" as no one says, for any significant amount of time, this kid is going to piss you off. Seventeen years old and this dude's bedroom pop is already girthier than your entire discography on CD Baby bro.

It's deliciously infuriating that someone so young has a grasp on creating music that's so fucking pleasantly distracting, distractingly comfortable, and comfortably pleasant.

The entirety of Groovy is equal parts lubed and inflated beach balls, but there are these noticeable injections of top 40 pop stabbed throughout that make Lo Noom impressive as shit as soon as the first song even ends. If you're keeping score this asshole can't vote yet, and he's already 77% more interesting than half you dick fucks that won't drop the act and get back to working on your bachelor's degree damnit.

Lo Noom has the feel of whimsical sandy-footed fellow, and while know nothing about him as a person besides the fact he can't run and buy me a Sudafed, his entire sound is this sort of The Wknd meets Slow Car Crash listening to Hang Glider perfection.

Freal, I want to both hula and don a dress made of hemp and spin myself sober. Lo Noom has captured an intimacy and vibe I've never heard before, but am extremely fucking excited to follow into the future. With melodies like this over rhythms as chill as these, this dude just lets each song patiently take form on its own. You're certain a song will sound a certain way, but then when it doesn't it's even better than you imagined. Seriously, listen to "Sundance Lovers" and imagine where you think the song is heading, but then when it gets where it was going, it's nothing like where you fingered. It's better.

That beachy electro shit is addicting once you move into your second and third listens of the album, as it allows you opportunities to both pay attention and space the fuck out. The vocal effects this dude goes through would annoy me on any other album, I mean, pick a style and stick with it, but the layering and occasional auto-tuned whisps of squee on this fucker are impressively fitting. The guitar work, whether it's at his hands or not I don't know, is tasteful as fuck and just as relaxed and on point as the rest of the sound. The complexity of the synths is either so fucking otherworldly that I can't understand everything that's going on, or these headphones so badass they've given me access to another dimension inside Groovy.

Regardless of my confusion with how this guy's music is fucking with me in the most welcome way, I think you'd better know who this fucker is now before you miss out on something like you did with all the other things you missed out on.