The Barr Brothers

Sleeping Operator

Tom Doz | November 25, 2014

Holy dog shit in a flaming bag have I been in a musical rut this Fall.

I fucking hated it. I love to lust for an album at least once a month and if I don't get my meat I'm an asshole to be around. Sure, some decent albums have crossed my desk, but like the flavor in Fruit Stripes gum, their appeal had worn off too quickly.

So let me begin this fellatio in the form of verbs, nouns and many many adjectives to formally thank The Barr Brothers for helping me escape this rut. You assholes are my ray of light through the clouds. The breeze through my sweaty breezeway. The everlasting flavor in my Fruit Stripes. And the umbrella sheltering me from dat cold November rain.

Now that I got that out of the way... let's talk about the music, which for some reason approached me in stages during a 2 week period.

I first came across The Barr Brothers when I heard the track 'Half Crazy'. The bond from the speaker to my ears was instantaneous... all I could think was 'this is the smoothest-ass blues riff I've heard all year'. I wanted to lube myself up in Robert Johnson's sweat and slide down the rusty strings of an old guitar.

And all I could wonder was if this is what would happen if The Black Keys had the non-incestual sex appeal of Angus and Julia Stone. The fucking song just flows like a pine scented cool water cologne.

Naturally, I needed to check out the rest of the album, Sleeping Operator, from these mysterious brothers who hail from my ancestral motherland: French Canada. (East Siiiiide wup wup) And through no fault of The Barr Brothers, I was unable to get through the entirety of the album because I became hung up on another song: 'Come In The Water'.

I tell you... I couldn't quit this fucking song. Bros, I know you invited me to come in the water, but YOU SHOULD HAVE WARNED ME that said water was the perfect temperature and you strategically placed a medium powered jet on my taint. I couldn't leave this jacuzzi of feelz and unicorn tears for an entire week, but when I did I was reinvigorated.

I was finally ready to complete this album, and in turn, have it complete me.

Not only does Sleeping Operator have this incredible flow, that at times, chugs along like a fucking freight train, but it's a bit dreamy too. The singer has that non-threatning 'Phosphorescent-ish' tone and there is this harp that is the peanut butter in the sammich of ethereal guitar leads and harsher sounding bar chords. The best thing about this harp is that it stands out by not standing out at all; it bridges the divide between salty and sweet.

Needless to say, the rest of the songs on this album are the terts as well.

If you need something to listen to while sitting in your favorite chair on a Sunday morning, this is it. You'll find yourself staring at the coffee ring stain on your end table that once pissed you off, but for some reason its character is now bringing you pleasure. You'll grin at the mess in the kitchen from the night before. And your job won't cross your mind because in that moment the next day's work in miles away.

The Barr Brothers have this ability to make annoyances disappear... and massage your taint with water jets.