The Amazing

Picture You

Tom Doz | February 17, 2015

Just like The War On Drugs did last year with it's addicting moody haze, this is an album that's going to swoon me in stages.

I know it. I JUST KNOW IT.

I've completed Picture You about 5 times. At first the album was limited to just background music because I was working and couldn't give it my full attention.

But it morphed into something a little more with each subsequent listen. I'd pick up on small parts in certain songs and say to myself: 'Fuck, this is Amazing.' (horrible pun intended).

Those small parts started to multiply exponentially and now my concentration has done a complete 180. At listen #5 I was completely unable to delegate any attention to my work because my mind was ballz deep into The Amazing.

These asshole's songs are like a semi-attractive girl who gradually gets prettier the more you get to know her. Soon she is so unattainably hot that you blow your load thrice before removing her yoga pants. Eventually you'll learn that The Amazing is the exotic foreign exchange student and you are Jason Biggs with crusty shorts.


So you may be wondering....what do these fuckers sound like?

And my answer is: I don't know if I can accurately explain it because The Amazing's sound has so much genre/boundary expanding girth. You can't put these babies in a corner, Swayze.

When I first heard their title track a couple of months ago. I'd tell you they are like a non-boring post-rock band with a singer. But they also venture into the jammy, spacey shoe-gaze, funk, hard rock, progressive jazz, and more. AND they aren't afraid to extended a majority of their songs past 4 minutes.

I recommend checking out 'Fryshusfunk' first because they expose much of their gentiles on this track. After you spooge at around the 5.00 mark when a whaling trumpet spontaneously transitions into a full out Pink Floyd meets Zepplelin-ish riff (complete with screaming organ), change your pants and listen to the rest of the album. You won't regret it.