The Skin

The Skins EP

Tim Baker | April 24, 2012

The Skins are hard as Fuck.

Not hard in the way rappers who are 5 foot nothing pretend to be hard, but truly hard. They sound like you could throw nuclear missiles at them and they would bounce off their collective chest and cry. I’m talking hard like you see them walking your way and you move your ass out of their path and admire their strut while getting intoxicated in their musk hard. Their self titled EP just picked me up by my collar and told me that I am will be giving them my lunch money for the rest of the year and the guitars just laughed at me as I pee’d myself.

These fuckers are hard bro.

Seriously, in one of the more impressive debut outings, The Skinshave completely shut out all other music from my ears. They took over my skull space and hung some sweet tapestries, left cigarette butts everywhere and there are band stickers all over the bathroom.

The Skins sound the way rock is supposed to sound. Like it if they didn’t perform the shit out of these songs, they would rip themselves out of their chest and wreak havoc on the city like some ancient primordial beast with names like Vance.

The guitars are so fucking blistering, that sound, OH MAN THAT fucking SOUND. I don’t know how they get it, I don’t know who plays lead and I don’t know if I will ever be able to have another kid - because the sonic experience of the duel guitars of Daisy Spencer and Russell Chen is like a mix of Tommy Iommi from Sabbath hot oil wrassling with Dave Murray and Adrian Smith from Maiden. It makes my blood boil and my wiener hide inside me.

Then there is Kaya and Reef Mckeithan handling the rhythm on bass and drums respectively. It sound the way you imagine Ryan Gosslings character in Drive would sound when he walks into your house and wants to kick the shit out of you. Menacing, thrilling and god damned good looking.

Finally bringing this whole fucker together is Bayli Mckeithan on lead vocals. Holy shit this woman can sing. She sounds as if you took the greatest powerhouse vocalists of the past 40 years, jammed them into a blender, hit puree and then poured them into a gigantic glass of whiskey. I imagine this is what it would sound like if Robert Plant ever got together with skinny Ann Wilson in a biblical sense. She has one of those voices that stops you dead in your tracks, makes your blood freeze and the hair on your body stand at attention.

The Skins are so amazingly bad ass, everything they do sounds the way you want a hard rock album to sound. It is intimidating, mysterious, sensual and mostly just a glorious expression of the art.

This EP should be in your manpod I-fucking-MEDIATELY!