Semi Hendrix

Jesus Pressed Mute

Brandon Backhaus | January 13, 2016

Rass Kass, as part of Semi Hendrix with Jack Splash, from Mello Music, channels his best Immortal Technique in "Jesus Pressed Mute". I love this jazzy but angry shit. There's so much resentment out here. I feel like this is that kind of anger that is directed at the correct opponents. Fuck sugar-coating shit! Call it how it is! We need more rappers, rockers, folk artists, professional athletes, and business leaders to acknowledge the improprieties of the current system geared to ensure the wealthy get wealthier and that consolidation of power and money work directly against the average citizen. And that that system is enforced by a corrupt and violently racist and classist law enforcement and justice system. The sooner we all coalesce around the fucking truth of the matter, instead of treating each other like stepping stones for the right to bask in the radiance of a ruling class, to sooner we fucking fix shit. 

OK, I'm off the soap box. Rass Kass and Semi Hendrix had me feeling the Bern right now.