Hanging Valleys

Endless Wave

Joel Frieders | October 25, 2016

This dude JUST left my stereo after last week's obsession and then he sends out an email with THIS?

Fucking Hanging Valleys taking my animated mental picture and bringing it to life with this video for "Endless Wave". HOW DARE THEY.

I love how incredibly delicate everything seems until a HUGE ASS FUCKING WAVE COMES CRASHING DOWN SENDING SURFERS SCRAMBLING TO QUENCH THAT THIRST FOR DOMINATING NATURE SO FORCEFULLY. When that dude just lets go and soars over the top of the wave at 1:58 I fucking DIED bro.


How fucking beautiful is this planet we're riding? And how insane is it that we fail to notice its beauty so often, yet when slowed down it feels like we should've noticed that shit the whole time.