The Growlers

Going Gets Tough

Brandon Backhaus | August 11, 2016

Just when I think I might not be old as fuck… The Growlers remind me just how grey the tender nether regions have turned. These guys are like the annoying fucking man-children at the hipster bowling alley clogging up the lanes with an entourage of 25 girls in floppy hats and mystical fingers.

But somehow I don’t hate them. It’s because I love their music. 

Beach Goth. A term. A genre. A way of life? 

I went to the huge show at the Observatory in Santa Ana, California last year on a press pass. Then my kids had some kind of asshole-ish kid emergency and I needed to leave. I ran into a former student (and kick ass musician in his own right) (see: Franky Flowers) on the way out… and gave him my VIP pass. 

Turns out the young man watched the show from onstage for large portions of this very video. And it made me happy that my old ass went and did old ass shit. And I was able to give someone who appreciated it way more than I would have, the fucking night of his life.