Atlantic Shore

The Comedown

Joel Frieders | March 10, 2016

I listened to this video three times and it kind of hits me in that Matthew Sweet 100% Fun sort of way where it's intentionally sweet, but you're positive there's something morose under it all.

Atlantic Shore don't sound like a band I would normally shove in my side faceholes, but I'm a sucker for progressively struck opened hihats and high pitched melodies that dance apart from the synths in a way that makes me feel both youthful AND creepy for trying to fit into skinny jeans. I have a feeling that after a few trips around the drunk tank this band will mellow a bit, but I hope they continue to record their drums like this because they sound fucking great.

"The Comedown" is sort of a flagship song in my opinion, as it highlights the strengths of each band member without making it solely about any one of them as individuals. Plus, it's poppy enough that someone will probably touch their genitals just for performing it, which is the goal for any musician.