There Will Be Fireworks

The Dark Dark Bright

there will be fireworks, The Dark Dark Bright
Joel Frieders | November 21, 2013

There are few bands in my life where the mere mention of their name makes me think of the exact moment I knew I loved them. Like, every single time I am reminded of their existence because of a random conversation overheard, the time of year, a smell, or a distant murmur of a song I can't quite hear all the way, I remember that one moment where I knew I had something I could reuse for the rest of my life to feel that fucking feel. And what's weird about the word moment in relation to this band, is that there have been entire months of my life my memory has captured as moments, framed by songs, created by There Will Be Fireworks.

I sometimes wish I didn't share these next few words about my introduction to the band when I talk about them, as I almost feel I'm taking away from your introduction to the band, because if you're receptive to it, you'll adore this band after hearing the first song on their first album. Listen to it. Seriously, it isn't like an "oh this is nice", it's like a fucking *BOOOM* goosepimples *I GET IT*.

Needless to say, the first album from There Will Be Fireworks is easily one of my favorite long players of recent memory. Their follow up EP demonstrated such a vast jump in musical maturity I was almost certain they had fired all the Scots and replaced them with hard working left handed Albanians and Croats.


TWBF have this amazing ability to blind you to anything but beauty, as a spilled trashcan holds as much potential pretty as an actual photo of my wife. Traffic becomes a welcome escape from where you just were, or where you're going. Delay translates as opportunity. Boredom means "Fuck yeah I can stare out the window and watch people wait for shit". I'm convinced the emotional meter of this band's music is so comfortably steady, I could suffer without really even recognizing I was suffering.

But then there's these kicks to the throat: The specific points in certain songs where you could choke up unexpectedly just as soon as you could unsuccessfully swallow back tears. Or where you rewind the track just to stare at the ticker to see the exact point when your jaw hit your crotch.

So I'll start there, on the new album The Dark, Dark Bright, at the 2:10 mark on the song River. This isn't a moment where you throw your hands in the air, this is a moment where you grit your teeth, push a thumbnail into your palm until it hurts, smile so hard and maniacally your eyes sweat and your neck swells like a raw turkey neck in the hands of Samson. Okay Fuck it I just threw my hands in the fucking air. OH DAMN YOU THERE WILL BE FIREWORKS, EVEN IF I KNEW WHAT THE HELL YOU WERE SINGING I'D BE HANDS IN THE AIRING!

Seriously folks, does anyone have any clue what these adorable celtic shits are saying? I mean, an accent is an accent, sure, but this is borderline talking while chewing on a mouth full of rusty glass huh bros?


The Dark, Dark Bright is on the whole hypnotizing, utilizing a pantsless Scottish village full of instrumentation from piano to mandolin to strings to brass to marimba, errr, xylophone(?) (WHO CARES BRO, IT'S MADE FROM THE BONES OF DEAD CATHOLICS IS ALLS I KNOW), and it's right here at throat level pretty much 95% of the time. It's warming and gorgeous and who cares what's actually wrong, as this just feels amazing to not feel unamazing. It's hot coffee held tight between two gloved hands. It's that fucking first song on the firstThere Will Be Fireworks album but on The Dark, Dark Bright, in nearly every song, there's a moment if you're open.

I could fellate this band for years, and I have, but I'm extremely desperate to spread their therapeutically (quite) personal brand of audible marijuana. This is post rock, sorta, but intimately indie rock, buuuuuut the vocals are Scottish, so no one really has any idea what they're saying besides "bork bork bork bork bork", but it's ethereally the only thing this winter needs besides actual marijuana.


But nothing muthafucker. There Will Be Fireworks just put out another perfect album, and if you're not racist against borks, I would suggest you visit this here link and buy The Dark, Dark Bright and just TRY and tell me you ain't be loving the Fuck out of this shit for like months bro.

But seriously, protect your neck. The throat kicks will come out of nowhere and you'll be replaying them for hours trying to make it feel like the first time you got kicked, only you'll forget what the first time felt like because every damn kick to the throat is just as amazing as the last one.

There Will Be Fireworks are mine with or without their permission. I invite you to join me in cyber stalking them until they write down in their bork dayplanners "Coming to America"