One Song

Twin Limb

Don't Even Think

Joel Frieders | October 2, 2015

Whoever the fuck Twin Limb is, I'm, for lack of a better word, engulfed by this fucking song "Don't Even Think".

Aptly titled, I don't think I had one coherent thought the entire first three times through this fucking song. Combining the throats of Monica Martin from PHOX and maybe a completely fucking stoned Florence from Florence + The Machine, Twin Limb creates a nearly 6 minute romp through the pillowy confines of my imagination. Instead of everyone wearing bedshirts, we're all gowned in marshmallows and cardboard cutouts of clouds, it's all very Rocky Horror without the visage of Tim Curry's teeth floating around behind you. 

Gorgeous might not hold enough oomph to describe this fucking song, but it'll have to do because I'm limp, listless and sticky as fuck with all these marshmallows in every crevice of my supple lump-riddled body bros. 

Someone make Twin Limb hug me.