One Song



Joel Frieders | August 11, 2016

I don't really wear fedoras.

Nor do I wear collared shirts very often.

But KINDER makes an unfashionable motherfucker like moi wanna tuck their shirt in and act like they polishin' cuff links that don't exist on this tank top with a drawring of a pig on it.

"Light" sounds like I'm taking single steps, where one foot steps ahead but then I bring both feet together. I'm creepin' on beat, I'm nodding my head on the 2 and 4 while sporting a shiteatin' grin, I'm the guy you wanna punch because I'm so fucking smooth and in the fuckin' zone.

I dig how this is R&B/pop, but the fretless bass acting like an automatic air freshener turns the class knob up past 11 for me bro.

KINDER took this kegger and made it a dinner party, na mean?