One Song



Joel Frieders | February 5, 2016

Up until last week I knew nothing about Howard.

PPPR sent over this link for their new single "Glass" that's dropping inside their new EP Please Recycle which arrives March 25th, 2016, but I only listened to it because PPPR seems to send music that tends not to suck as much butt as other PR peeps' rosters suck butt, so I clicked. 

And then the fucking music started clicking and chirping and blurping and blooping and blorping and thwapping, and then here I am with my pants around my ankles and I'm shuffling to and fro and fro and to and I'm a fucking puddle of folktronica excrement bro.

This shit is exactly what my thoughts sound like if you catch me staring off into the great yonder, especially considering how great our yonder is here in the Chicago suburbs. We're known for our yonder. 

ANYWHOO, I love rhythms that seem to stack more and more and more and more shit on top of one another, but I love how "Glass" also sounds so fucking wide open because it isn't just a pile of noise, it's an intricately placed collection of galloping and warmth, all bundled together into a burrito I'd like to refer to from here on out as 'swarm tranq'. Shit is swarmy as fuck, but somehow tranquil, and I appreciate the moxy and restraint it takes to create something so swarm tranq. SEE HOW I REMOVED THE ' BECAUSE NOW IT'S PART OF OUR VERNACULAR AND BROMENCLATURE?

So because I love this track, I asked for more, and they sent me the album from 2015 titled Religion, and I must warn you it is nothing like this, but kind of like this, but I fucking LOVE THE SHIT OUT OF IT. So I might write about it after taxes. 

Fucking Howard, so balls. So swarm tranq.