One Song

Child Actor

El 7 De Septiembre (Mecano Cover)

Brandon Backhaus | October 23, 2015

If you know me, you know that after Matt and Kim I've written off synth pop duos for LIFE! 

But then Child Actor. Holy shit is Max Heath is a synth god. His electro-sonic wave machine just fucking made me dance like premenopausal, middle-aged woman in the rain of her sexual reawakening. 

I don't know if this was appropriate considering "El 7 De Septiembre (Mecano Cover)" is dedicated to Venezuela. But bros it's all in Español, so I just hugged myself hard, and swayed like you sway when you just need to sway the day away. 

Singer Natalie Plaza lends a sweetness to the track. It's what made me smile as I hugged myself while I swayed rather than the normal way I do that. 

I loved Child Actor's debut release on Fake Four, Inc. titled, Victory. But I think I just realized that in this 24-hour blog cycle of PR butt-fucking, I think I missed a Child Actor release called Never Die, released in 2014. Part of the reason I'm posting this, other that the fact that this song is like top of the mountain gorgeous (which is a description that makes no sense because gorgeous means "related to gorges" for some reason… I'm leaning in the direction of sexism, and how can the top of a mountain be related to a gorge, but I'm sure you guys can forgive me…), but also as a reminder to self to go and seek out that last record.