One Song


I don't need you

Joel Frieders | September 19, 2016

Audego kill me. 

That lilt of her voice paired with that fucking thwap of dude's beats, fuck that shit kills me. I'm dead bro.

Seriously though, after obsessing over "I don't need you" I'm the human demonstration of what your body would look like if you were one of those toys where the animal is stiff until you push up on the bottom button and then it falls limp. Every stutter start of every verse finds me limp as shit, slowly erecting myself until I'm at full mast, and then the galloping happy happy that the plinking synth exudes makes me fall to the ground in a pile of my own happiness.

Audego keep me on my toes broes. Playful, but unbelievably pained and therapeutic. I LOVE THEM. THEY LOVE ME. WE ARE A MATCH MADE IN CHINA.